Eucalyptus 10ml


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Eucalyptus Essential Oil – a versatile essence that transcends seasons, offering both respiratory relief and a burst of mental and physical vitality.

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Eucalyptus Essential Oil

Derived through the invigorating process of steam distillation from the Eucalyptus globulus species in the sprawling landscapes of China.

Winter Wellness – Nasal Clarity and Chest Comfort:

Embrace the winter months with Eucalyptus essential oil. Clear nasal passages by diluting it with a carrier oil and massaging it over the chest. For an extra boost, indulge in a steam inhalation – add 2-3 drops to a bowl of hot water, place a towel over your head, and inhale the refreshing aromas, promoting respiratory well-being.

Aroma of Clarity – Invigorate Your Thoughts:

Known and loved for its incredibly fresh and invigorating aroma, Eucalyptus, when vaporized, becomes a beacon of clarity for your thoughts. Open the nasal passages and invigorate your mind, creating an atmosphere of mental freshness.

Soothing Balm for the Body – Post-Activity Relief:

Eucalyptus isn’t just for the respiratory system; it’s a soothing balm for stiff joints and aching muscles. After sports or physical activities, let Eucalyptus be your ally in easing tension and promoting a sense of physical well-being.


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Eucalyptus 10ml
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